Losing Hope

Posted: May 3, 2012 in Photoshop

Photoshop Project:

For this project I am trying to show the effects of drugs on people by using Photoshop to convey my concept. My concept for this project deals with the negative effects of drugs on a person and how these effects intensify as a person enters the world of drugs deeper and deeper. I also want to express how powerful drugs are at luring people into using them. Furthermore, through this project I want to inform people of the negative effects of illicit drugs and make people think twice before using them.

Photoshop Project Revision:

For the revision of this project I changed a couple of things. First I darkened the end of the tunnel to reinforce my core message. Second I removed the drug dealer from the image completely because he was not relevant to the concept of this work. By removing him, the path is more open to the audience in a way that the viewer has a choice of entering this world or walk away from it. Lastly, I darkened the table because the previous one was too light for the conditions of this tunnel.

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